Monday, May 11, 2009

Answer This Question...

What song best defines you? A song that could be made into a ringtone. Respond in the comments below or e-mail me or you can respond on facebook. This should be fun!!
I think this song defines me!

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day & Lazy Saturday's

First of all I want to say Happy Mother's Day to everyone Mother/Grandmother/Stand In Mother/Etc. You are all the best! You make the world go round! You deserve more than just one day! Every Mother figure in my life, I say Thank You for all you do from the bottom of my heart! I love each and everyone of you!!

I Love Lazy Saturday's at Home~
This week has been a horrible week with Michael being gone. I just can't hardly function without him here. I don't sleep well at all! This morning was wonderful, we got to sleep in (which never happens). Normally we have to get up and head to a soccer game or have tons of stuff to get done. Rush, Rush, Rush is a regular Saturday for us. But today it was just wonderful to just lay in bed until about 10:00am. Matthew fed Nathan and Ryan so I didn't even have to get up. It's just been a great day so far!

Today is a wonderful ladies birthday! Mrs. Rose Elrod (Granma Elrod is what she is known as in our house) is a wonderful woman and she means so much to our family! I wish we spent more time with her. She always has such wisdom when I need advice. I hope she knows how much she means to me and our family! We love you!! (Incase she reads this) I hope you have a wonderful day! You deserve it!!

Tomorrow is Tim and Miranda's Birthday! Happy Birthday to you both! We love you guys! Can't wait for a fun gaming night at your house!

To everyone else enjoy this special weekend!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Lovin Technology

I'm just sitting here in that car waiting on Michael to buy his book at Borders. I mean can u believe I can post a blog from my cell phone. This is just so cool!!!

My Nater Tater

Nathan has to be one of the most entertaining kids, yet the one that gets into the most trouble. I think he just has an over active imagination, so he doesn't think about the consequences of disobeying the rules because he is SO into his imaginary play time. We have a rule that is don't play with the blinds (window coverings). Well yesterday I heard Ryan and Nathan playing in Ryan's room. They were playing so nicely and I just love it when they do that so I went and peaked into Ryan's room only to find Nathan pretend swinging from the cord. Of course I reacted "What are you thinking?!?!" Obviously he and Ryan got into big trouble for playing with the blinds. Later I found out that they were pretending to be Indiana Jones swinging with his whip. I don't want to break his playful spirit but I don't want him tearing up our house.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

New To Blogging

I am going to give this blogging a try! I have lots of funny stories to tell about my kids but I am not much of a writer. Can't hurt to try right?!